What's up everybody! It's the "Shoota". I'm excited, if you haven't heard already Team Final will be playing at MADISON SQUARE GARDEN....lol.
School this week was good for me. I had one test in Social Studies, I got an A on my test. Also I got my certificate for making honor roll. Everything is really winding down because of the upcoming holidays, none of my teachers gave us any projects to do over the holidays. I plan to workout and watch some high school basketball tournaments during the holidays.
Basketball for me this week started with a hard workout and ended with my team reaching one of our goals. After resting my knees for three days last week, coming into this week I felt really good. Monday I started my lower body workouts again, I had to start my workouts from the beginning again because I hadn't done them in about a month. My trainer told me I would be really sore on Tuesday, he wasn't lying it was hard going up and down the stairs, but for some reason when school was over my legs didn't hurt anymore. Right after my workout I went to the local Y to get up and down in a few games. Tuesday I worked out on my own, I did my usual ball handling drills and I got some shots up. Later that night I checked out my boy Frantz Messante the starting point guard for Drexel beat Louisville. It was pretty cool watching him play
on TV.
Wednesday I had my lower body workout again, strengthening my legs really helps my jump shot. I get more lift and my legs don't get fatigued fast. After my workout I went to the Y to play a few games.
Friday, we (Team Final) had our walk through. We went over our offensive plays and our defensive schemes. I was a little nervous about the playoff games because I knew our big guy Trey wouldn't be playing. But everybody played hard, we stayed together and we executed Coach P's game plan. Shout out to all my guys, Shizz, Fresh, Kid Mamba, Buddha, Sam, and Malik.
Our first playoff game on Saturday was delayed because some of our players were stuck in traffic. Shout out to the Commissioner for not allowing a forfeit to happen and Coach Science and the Gauchos for waiting. The game started out slow, but once we got it together it turned into a blow out win for us.
Sunday everybody on our team got to the gym so early they text me two hours before the game asking where was I..lol We won our second playoff game in blow out.
The Match Up!
Team Final vs Philly Aztecs was the match up everybody wanted to see. I can't say I was nervous, but I knew we had to really hit the boards because were missing Trey, and they have three big guys. But my boy Buddha stepped up and did a good job. Before the game Coach P wanted to make sure everybody knew what they were supposed to be doing, he went over the game plan 4 times. After he got finished everybody was pumped up and loose. The first minute of the game Tracy Carter hit a 3 and starting talking. I'm thinking okay good shot, but before this game is over you will be saying my name every time I touch the ball "Shoota". By the second quarter guess who was screaming my name...lol. In the third quarter we made 3 treys in a row to break the game open, the fourth quarter we just had to finish the game by making free throws.
We going to the Gardennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!
Commissioner Rivers said both teams will get new uniforms, sneakers, socks, and bags. He also said he has a surprise for everybody during halftime of the game.
Oh yea, Happy Holidays Everybody!