Kobe Bryant vs. Lebron James
Tyreke Evans vs. Lance Stephenson
What would happen if these players would go one on one? Well KO Basketball has answered the question. KO Basketball has set up basketball competition that’s out of this world. Now for the first time ever young players are able to go one on one for a championship belt. They have regional battles and the winners of the regional battles will take their game to the national event. If you have one on one game here’s your chance to prove it!
KO Basketball

WBC Qualifier
This is not an invitational. Open to All Players !!!
March 14th - 15th, 2009 (Sat. & Sun.)
Academy of New Church - Bryn Athyn, PA
Cost: $150.00 / 4 games and an opportunity to qualify for the Nationals
All players receive full uniform Jersey & Shorts
Contact: Aaron McGlawn - 267-626-6733
Email: amcglawn@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Registration: 8:00 A.M. Event Starts: 9:00 A.M.