What’s Up Everybody?
It’s your boy the “Shoota”, coming at you again this week. First of all school this week was kind of boring, the semester was coming to a close and it was Catholic School week. We didn’t do much in the class, when I’m at school I like to stay busy, that makes the day go by faster. We should be getting our report cards in about 2 weeks; I have to wait to show my report card before I can collect my paper for making honor roll. I think I’ll buy myself a pair of the new Kobe’s and bank the rest…lol. We’ll be starting the last trimester on Monday, my goal is to finish the school year on the honor roll. I’m gonna try to bring my 92 average up to at least a 95, I’m putting in the work so I do expect good results.
My week of basketball was crazy, my school team had 5 games in 7 days, I hate playing that many games because I can’t get my workouts in. My shot was dropping, but not like it normally does, because I didn’t get a chance to get some practice time in. Don’t get me wrong I like playing games, but I love working out because that makes the game so much easier. My coach told us we will be busy like this for the next two and half weeks and then it’ll be all over. It’s hard being in school all day and then having a game every night, add in travel time, that was a long and tiresome week for me.
Thursday, I went to Life Center Academy to check out the Scholastic play-by-play tournament. Trenton Catholic played against Newark Tech, St. Anthony’s played Rancocas Valley, and Life Center played New Egypt. All the games were very good, it was my first time seeing St. Anthony’s play this year, I hope they get a chance to play St. Patrick I will definitely be in the house to see that one.
After the TCA game there was a rumor floating around that their coach will be resigning after this year. All I could say is wow. The process of picking a high school for me started out difficult, but some things have happened over the past few weeks that now makes my decision a lot easier, I’m just waiting to receive my last acceptance letter. My Grandmom told me it’s not the school you choose, but what you choose to do at the school that’s the most important thing. I’m really looking forward to starting my high school journey.
Sunday we had our Team Final practice at Villanova. A few high school players from Philly were there to work out, it was cool, everybody worked hard and nobody got dunked on…lol.
Check me out next week…..