What’s up, world! It’s your boy Jordan, just letting you know about my week.
It began with my midterm exams. They were all pretty challenging, but I feel that I did pretty well on them. Supposedly, one kid in my social studies class got a 103 on the exam. 103! That’s cool!
Basketball wise, I had my weekly workout with my trainer, Val. He does a lot of strength and conditioning exercises with me. I do very minimal weight training. You hear all this stuff about weights will stunt your growth and that it will mess up your shot. Doing it the way I do it doesn’t seem to affect me in any of those areas, but I do feel that I am getting stronger. I also do a work out on speed and agility with, Bill. My father thinks that I am too stiff. Gotta stay on my toes!
On Friday I worked out with my friends, Sal, Darren, Austin, Alex S, Ben S, Tyler, Spencer, Alex P, Reece and Kareem. My crew! We had a good time.
I had a workout on Saturday morning at 8:00 AM. The competition was tough. The coaches worked our butts off. I tried to block one of the player’s shots and sprained my ankle. It was not a severe sprain, but it did hinder me a little.
I also worked out this week with my 14U team, the New Jersey Shore Shots, down in Neptune, New Jersey. We worked on a lot of pick and roll drills and on defense. Coach Adam Turner and Coach Larry Sharp worked us hard in preparation for our tournament this weekend down in Neptune, New Jersey in a tournament sponsored by Hoop Group. We went 2-1. The game we lost was by two points and we had a shot at the buzzer. It was crazy!
Next week, I am playing in the Hoop Group Tournament of Champions at Drew University. It should be a lot of fun. I am glad that the AAU season is about to kick off. I love playing in big games and in big tournaments. I’ll let you know how it all goes. If it all goes my way, there will be a lot of winning and trophies!!
I am on school break for the next two weeks and I have a lot of homework to do. I don’t think folks realize how hard it is trying to be an athlete and a scholar. Hopefully, it is all preparing me for college.
J4 – Out!