Basketball Spotlight sends our prayers and condolences to his family in this time of need. A fund has been set up to help Young and his 3 young children and Basketball Spotlight encourages the basketball community to come together and support one of their own. The important information is listed below for those that are willing to lend a helping hand. The viewing will be this Friday from 4 to 7 pm at Mt Sinai Baptist Church, 241 Gates Ave. Brooklyn, NY. The funeral follows the viewing.
Anyone interested in helping Mr. Young and family please send checks or money orders to; Kimani Young, Memo: Family Fund, 605 Louisiana Ave. Apt. 12D Brooklyn, NY 11239. Any questions contact Erica Stanley at estanleye@aol.com or Tarik Turner at tarik4@att.blackberry.net. Sometimes things are bigger than basketball and this is one of those times.