What’s going on basketball world this your boy Conrad Chambers from the city of Chester, Pa. I like to start off by saying my summer went very well in basketball with my AAU team, Team Nelson. We didn’t win a lot of tournaments this year but we always played hard but I felt that we should of did better around in the tri-state area and the nationals. After I came back from back from the nationals I immediately got back to my workouts with Pooh Evans and Zain Shaw at Fidonce player development. These two guys have been working with me on my game and I felt as though they are always pushing me to the limit to become a better player. My game is better and better every time I play. My jump shot has been progressing since the summer its really getting water, my workout at Fidonce is always competitive because I work out with some of the best players in the state, these players include DJ Irving, Shep Garner, Jaquan Johnson, and bunch of other great basketball players that come and go hard.
When I was not at Fidonce I was working out for a high school that I have interest in. School has started so its back to the books, that’s the number one thing in my house if the grades are not right there is no basketball for me. The school I go to is Our Lady of Charity in Brookhaven, Pa. My cousin Jaquan Johnson also goes there and it’s a good school because based on catholic principles so we have to learn about the history of God. I am in advanced math and I thought it was going to be hard, but as soon as I learned the work I seen that it was easy. I'm doing very well in school right now the first trimester ends sometime in December, we have a lot of writing assignments for the month of November but Im going to complete all of them and get all A’s. The school season is about to start and we have already started to have practice we have a young team, but I see in practice that our teammates work ethic is tremendous. I can't wait to start the season to really punish the competition because I want to see what CYO basketball is all about. We play my man Shep Garner’s team this year they were the state champs of the CYO so that’s definitely going to be one of the most competitive games of our season. I really am hype for the season. Well that’s it for me for this week until next week im out.
Hard Work Always Beat Talent When Talent Doesn’t Work Hard
Con Im Out!!