What’s up basketball world? Once again this is Tyus Battle. I started school after a long and fun summer. School is going very well, as I expected it would. My teachers are cool and interesting, and that no doubt will make the next 173 days of school a little easier. All this week we did tons of testing, we focused a lot of time on math and some on other subjects like Religion, English and Social Studies.
I was surprised to see that Idris Joyner (F.A.C.E.S) who recently won Player of the Year, is in my class. I did not really know him well before but he seems really cool. We played one-on-one in gym class, and I have to say he is a pretty skilled. I was especially impressed with his jump shot, which was solid from deep. He will be very good if he keeps up the hard work, which I believe he will. As for the one-on-one between us it was really great, partly because Idris talks a lot of smack and to me that is pretty funny. It should be pretty cool having such a talented kid like Idris in my class this year. I am sure we will be playing plenty of one-on-one!
Friday after school I went to the gym with my dad. We worked on my jumper by getting up shots from short range, mid range, and from the arc, which added up to 500 makes. Then we worked on moves to the basket and moves to a pull up jumper.
On Saturday I had team practice with the NJ Demons at 3:30. We didn’t go over any plays but we did work on a lot of individual moves getting to the rim. I learned a lot of moves that I hadn't done before, which I will definitely use in games. I’m feeling very confident about our upcoming tournament. I think my teammates and I are improving in a lot of areas, especially our skills. Right after practice my dad and I went to the gym to get up 500 makes and worked on my ball handling, and then we did about 30 minutes of weight lifting at The Club At Woodbridge. My dad then dropped my brother and I off at my mom's house to spend the rest of the weekend with her.
On Sunday we went to my friend Darius’ house to see his little brother Brandt, who recently had surgery because he got hit in the head with a pipe while riding his bike. Thank God he is OK. We hung out with him, watched TV and the rest of the time we spent shooting around outside on his basketball hoop.
I have to sign off now, because I have school tomorrow. Before I go I want to mention and acknowledge anyone who lost someone September 11th 2001.
Until next time. PEACE