Monday, October 2, 2017

Diary Of A Baller: Jayden Pierre (Roselle, NJ) Entry #3

Jayden Pierre & A Boogie

It's Jayden "JP" Pierre with Entry #3 of my Diary 

Monday -I woke up tired this morning, I felt much better after I took a shower. School went pretty smooth, I got all my work done in all my classes without any problem. The middle school didn’t have any workouts so I went home, got something to eat and did some homework before I had to get back to the school for a workout with Delson Training. Once we were done I went back home finished up my homework, did my pushups, and went to sleep. 

Tuesday - This morning I woke up easily, I wasn't tired at all. I had a nice day in school. After class, I headed to the gym for workouts. Once the workouts were over, we selected teams and played 5 on 5 for an hour and thirty minutes. My team only lost two games the entire time. When we got done playing I went and grabbed something to eat. I got home and did my homework, then got ready to head back to the school for another workout. Even though I was tired when I got home. I made sure to do my push-ups, sit ups, toe raises, and dips before bed. 

Wednesday- Today I got off to a good start knowing what was ahead of me. After getting dressed, my boy Al-Fatir came over, we played a quick game of NBA2k, before my mom dropped us off at school. My school day was light and after school we ran up and down for a little bit. When we were finished I left the school and went to work out with BadSocietyBball. Later that night, I was invited to go workout with DJ Sackman, and to meet one of my favorite artist, A Boogie. We worked out for about an hour before A Boogie walked in the gym and started playing his new album, which is in stores now., Its fire go get that. He took pictures with everyone and even started following everyone on Instagram. 

Thursday- Waking up this morning was hard and I didn't feel like getting up. After I got out the shower I was energized and ready to start my day. School was cool and after school we worked out and then we played for a little while. During one of the games I hurt my knee. It was swollen and I couldn’t sit down or bend it, so my dad took me to the hospital to make sure everything was okay. Thank God it wasn't nothing major besides a sprain, the doctor said I couldn't play any sports for a week. 

Friday- Today I woke up in a good mood, knowing that I would have a half day at school. Even though I couldn’t workout, I was still okay. While at the gym, I was laughing most of the time because my teammates had to run up and down the court about 100 times, for messing up the three-man weave. While they were playing I was gassing everything. Following the workout at the school, I rode to the gym with my dad, he had a couple of players that wanted to work out and use the shooting machine. I helped him setup and then clean up once they got done. When I got home I iced up my knee and went to bed. 

Saturday - Today I woke up later than usual and since I didn’t have anything to do I just rested and played NBA2K. Later on, I went and got a haircut then chilled for the rest of the day. 

Sunday - Today was a smooth day. My little brother, my dad, and I went to a Pop Warner game. When we got home, my brother wanted to play football, so we played catch in front of the house for a little while, afterwards I rode with my mother to my cousin’s house. It's been a while since I have seen my cousins, so it was good chilling and catching up with them. On our way back my house we stopped at the grocery store to buy things for dinner. When we got back home, I did my homework, ate, took a shower and went to bed. 

God Bless, see you guys next week. 
 Jayden "JP" Pierre signing off 
 Follow me on IG: @Jayden_JP_Pierre