What’s up basketball world, this week was real light basketball wise. I only went to the gym three days this week, which I don’t do a often.
Monday, a few kids from my school came over for Halloween. This year I didn’t really feel like looking for or making a costume, so I just wore a silver mask with a black hoody. When the kids from my school came over we played a little bit of quick scoping on mw2 (modern warfare 2), went out for a few minutes to get some candy, and then watched paranormal activity 3.
Tuesday, my dad was out of town so I stayed over my mom’s house. After school I had to go with my mom to her job until my uncle picked me up. That night I had a lot of work and projects I had to do to finish up the marking period, which ends Friday. So I stayed up all night and tried to finish as much as I could.
Wednesday night I got bit by a spider and my nose was swollen and I was getting bad headaches so I went to the doctor instead of school. The doctor said the headaches and the swelling should go away in about two days, but if it doesn’t I should come back.
Friday was the end of the marking period, I don’t know if I got straight A’s or not, but I always have next making period to improve. After school I had practice for my school team. The whole practice was about executing plays and working on our defense for our first tournament of the year. I believe that we are going to play really well and shouldn’t lose any games or even let a team come close to beating us. We are ready to bring back our first championship trophy in school history.
Saturday, we had practice in Burlington, NJ from 12-2. I must say the team is coming along very well. My dad says this year’s team may be his most talented yet. Hopefully we can live up to his expectations.
Sunday, we started up our JCC clinics again and this time we have a lot more kids. This new group of kids listened much better compared to the Tuesday clinics. Once again we went over the basics like lay ups and how to dribble a basketball. I am definitely looking forward to next week.
Next week I will make sure to tell you all how my school team and how I do in this tournament. Till next time. This is Tyus Battle signing off.